Mr. Sunil Bishwakarma

Dedicated, friendly and a true leader, the Employee of the month is Mr. Sunil Bishwakarma. We had a lovely chat about his apsirations and goals at The GRID. Read on!
1. What is your role here?
I am working as a Senior Project Manager.
2. Before working at The GRID, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
Before working here, I was associated with a globally known hospitality brand.
3. How did you first learn about The GRID?
I learnt about The GRID via an old colleague and personally I would say, the concept of a Micro Brewery was introduced to me by Mr. Karnani himself.
4. How do you balance your career and family?
The atmosphere here has never made me feel that this isn’t my home.
5. How has The GRID helped you in your career development?
Since I am into project management and my basic responsibility is to take care of the upcoming projects at the grassroot level and maintaining the USP of the brand. The GRID has not only helped me to be more innovative & systematic but with constant support and guidance by the management, I am working towards contributing to something, which the city has not yet experienced.
6. If you could switch your job with anyone else within this company, whose job would you want?
Haha! Thank you for asking me. I am confident that with the due course of time I don’t need to switch … the company will promote me.
7. What are 3 words to describe The GRID?
Toughest question! I personally feel “The GRID cannot be described in words“ One needs to feel It.
8. What do you find the most challenging at The GRID?
The working atmosphere is such here that “Every challenge turns into an opportunity”
9. What do you like most about The GRID?
The Culture Of The Company ‘Innovation With Finesse’.
10. What has been your favourite memory here at The GRID?
It is very very satisfying to see the humongous response from our patrons on a daily basis. It gives me an immense pleasure.
11. What have you gained from working here?
Confidence To Think Beyond Imagination.
12. What is on your wish list for the next 5 years?
To create the same landmark in other states of our nation.
13. What is the favorite part about working here?
Courage and Confidence to grow in association with a transparent, innovative team who are always on toes to deliver not the best but ‘Best Of The Bests’.
14. What is your proudest moment at The Grid?
The GRID’s launch – 16th July, 2016.